SoftChalk FAQs
SoftChalk FAQs
Getting Started
- Besides the FAQs > Knowledge Base area, where else can I learn more about SoftChalk Create and SoftChalk Cloud?
- Do you have a guide for students who use SoftChalk lessons?
- How do I create a lesson in a foreign language?
- How do I link to or upload my SoftChalk lesson in my learning management system - Blackboard, Brightspace by D2L, Buzz (by Agilix - formerly BrainHoney), Canvas (by Instructure), eCollege, Jenzabar, Moodle, Sakai, or Schoology?
- How do I quickly learn to create lessons with SoftChalk Create?
- How do I package a lesson to use in Create Online?
- I am using Internet Explorer to view a SoftChalk lesson. The information bar at the top keeps saying that it is blocking Active X content. How can I turn off this function?
- I see that SoftChalk has a number of activities and quiz items. Do you have a list of which items can be scored and which items are for presentation?
- I want to share my SoftChalk content with students and colleagues. I don't have access to a website or a learning management system. Can I email this content? What do you recommend?
- What is the latest update for SoftChalk Create? How do I find out if I have the latest update?
- What web browsers should I use when viewing SoftChalk lessons? Is the Chrome browser supported?
- Where do I learn more about SoftChalk's accessibility compliance?
SoftChalk Cloud
- Getting Started with SoftChalk Cloud
- Create Online
- Account and Upgrade Questions
- Installation and Error Messages
- Collaboration Questions
- Miscellaneous Cloud Questions
- I am an instructor. When I click on the title of my lesson in the LMS, the ScoreCenter looks different. Has something changed with the ScoreCenter?
SoftChalk Create 11 New Features
- How do I update my Create 10 lesson to the Create 11 new modern look?
- How to apply a theme to your lesson.
- I see that SoftChalk Create has a number of activities and quiz items. Do you have a list of which items are for presentation and which items can be scored?
- What are the new features included in the upgrade to SoftChalk Create 11?
Upgrade to SoftChalk Create
- Can I move my lessons back and forth between SoftChalk Create 10 and SoftChalk Create 11?
- How do I get updates to SoftChalk Create? What is the latest update?
- How do I open lessons I created with SoftChalk Create 10 in SoftChalk Create 11?
- I have Java 7 installed on my Windows computer. When I try to launch the new version of Create - Create 10, the program doesn't launch. What should I do?
- What are the differences between the Cloud and Desktop versions of SoftChalk Create?
- What are some of the new features and enhancements in SoftChalk Create?
- What is the latest update for SoftChalk Create? How can I find out if I have the latest update?
- SoftChalk Create Desktop Only
PowerPoint Questions
- Do you have a guide explaining how to put my PowerPoint content into a SoftChalk lesson?
- How do I import my PowerPoint presentation into an activity in SoftChalk such as the Photo Album or Slideshow?
- How do I transfer text from my PowerPoint file to my SoftChalk lesson without having to copy and paste text from each slide?
- What are some popular programs used to create videos or Flash animations of PowerPoint presentations? Can I put these videos or animations into a SoftChalk lesson?
- Save PowerPoint® File in iSpring Pro
- Use Articulate Presenter
- Use Adobe Presenter
- Access to group accounts set up in SoftChalk Connect
- Can I use my Surface Pro with SoftChalk Create?
- Do I need to be connected to the internet to work in SoftChalk?
- Does SoftChalk have a scenario branching or case study feature?
- How do I add a row to a table? How do I add a column to a table?
- How do I clear my web browser's cache, cookies, and history?
- How do I edit the HTML source code for my lesson?
- How do I get started with Google Analytics?
- How do I put a poll or survey into a SoftChalk lesson?
- How do I use an external monitor with the Surface Pro and SoftChalk Create?
- I am having trouble saving my lesson. I am getting a Page Writer error message. What should I do?
- I am having trouble viewing embedded YouTube and Vimeo videos in my SoftChalk lessons. What should I do?
- I am trying to access an archived webinar on the SoftChalk website, but I am unable to view the video. What should I do?
- I have a Cloud account and I use a Macintosh. I'm having trouble launching Create with Firefox. What should I do?
- I have a SoftChalk Cloud account. I am using the SoftChalk Create shortcut on my desktop. How do I remove my account information from my local computer?
- I have a Windows computer. I receive the following error message when trying to launch or edit a lesson from the Cloud while using Firefox as my browser. Error: Unable to access jarfile softchalk.jar. What should I do to fix this issue in Firefox?
- I have recently updated my Java and now receive one of the below errors. What should I do?
- I have the latest version of Safari on my Mac laptop. I can see the Finish button in Chrome and Firefox but not in Safari. What could be causing this issue?
- I just updated my machine to Java 8 and now SoftChalk will not launch. What should I do?
- My activities were working fine in Chrome but recently I get a message "This content requires JavaScript enabled." where my activities should appear. What should I do?
- Saving & Packaging Errors
- SoftChalk Create has a number of activities and quiz items. Do you have a list of which items can be scored and which items are for presentation only?
- The text in my lesson is overlapping in the SoftChalk Create main editing window, but looks fine when I preview my lesson in a web browser. What should I do?
- When I am editing one of my lessons the text appears to 'jump' up and down as I am typing. What can I do to improve or resolve this behavior?
- When I try to open SoftChalk Create on my Macintosh, the program freezes and I'm unable to use the application. I have to force quit to exit the program. What should I do?
- Why does my navigation information (return to top|next page|previous page) appear to the right of my table rather than at the bottom of the page?
- Why doesn't my SoftChalk lesson zip package open when I choose File/Open Packaged Lesson?
- I have a SoftChalk Cloud account. When I launch Create from my Cloud account in Chrome/Edge, I am prompted to download Create again. I have already downloaded Create. Do I need to download again?
- I'm using Mac. The location of the cursor on the screen is not accurate. Is there a way to make the cursor show where it actually is located?
- I want to use the 'Print All' feature. What information will print when the 'Print All' feature is enabled?
Media and Hyperlinks
License Key
- Does the SoftChalk (Desktop Version) license allow me to install SoftChalk on both my office and my home computers? Or do I need to purchase an additional license?
- How do I enter my license key? My Free Trial desktop version of SoftChalk has expired!
- I have a Macintosh Lion (10.7 or higher). SoftChalk appears to accept my license name and license key, but when I exit and reopen SoftChalk I have to re-enter my license key information. What should I do?
- When I try to enter my license key, I get the message, "My name is missing the first dash." What should I do?
- Windows 7 is my operating system. I am having trouble entering my license information. What should I do?
- Windows Vista is my operating system. I am having trouble entering my license information. What should I do?
Lesson Options and Styles
- Are there any special instructions I should give my students when using the 'Print Certificate of Completion' option for my SoftChalk lessons?
- How do I add a Table of Contents to my lesson?
- How do I get text to display in the heading area of my lesson page?
- How do I remove the page numbers on the navigation bar at the top of my lesson page?
- I use LTI links in my LMS. Some students report an 'Invalid State' error message. What could case this error?
- How do I determine whether a computer is running a Windows 32-bit version or 64-bit version?
- How do I tell if I have successfully installed Java on my Windows computer?
- I am unable to receive updates to SoftChalk Create - when I try to Check for Updates I receive the error message, "Cannot update because the update properties could not be loaded."
- I downloaded my SoftChalk installer to my computer. When I click on the installer, I get a message, "SoftChalk8_setup.exe is not a valid Win32 application." What should I do?
- I have a Macintosh running OS 10.8 (Mountain Lion). When I try to install SoftChalk Create, I get an error: "SoftChalk Create" is damaged and can't be opened. you should move it to the Trash. What should I do?
- I have a Macintosh. I downloaded the installer but when I double-clicked on the SoftChalk 9 icon, the program failed to come up. What should I do?
- I have Java 7 installed on my Windows computer. When I try to launch the new version of Create - Create 10, the program doesn't launch. What should I do?
- Is there any difference between the Cloud trial version of SoftChalk Create and the purchased version?
- What is SoftChalk Create? How can I get it?
- What's the latest update for SoftChalk Create? How do I find out if I have the latest update?
- When I click on my Create 10 icon from the desktop, the program does not start. What should I do?
- When I click to launch SoftChalk Create from the Cloud on a Macintosh using Safari, I receive a pop-up message from the browser in addition to the Install SoftChalk Create screen. What should I do?
- When I tried to download the installer, it took a long time. Now when I click on the installer, I get an error message "Installer integrity check has failed." What should I do?
- When I try to open SoftChalk Create on my Mac, the program freezes and I'm unable to use the application. I have to force quit to exit the program. What should I do?
- When I try to run SoftChalk Create I get an error message, "Cannot find the main class." What should I do?
- When I try to run SoftChalk I get an error message, "The application failed to initialize properly." What should I do?
- When I try to run SoftChalk, I get an error message, "Unable to create Application directory. C:\Users\USERNAME\Application Data\SoftChalk\LessonBuider 9. SoftChalk will close." What should I do?
- When trying to launch SoftChalk Create, I am getting an error: Unable to write application information. If you are running User Account Control, please turn off UAC to complete the installation. What should I do?
- I am unable to receive updates to SoftChalk Create - when I try to Check for Updates I receive the error message, "Please log in as Administrator and restart Create to download and install the update."
Activities, QuizPoppers and Textpoppers
- Can I keep track of the time it takes a student to complete an activity?
- Can I put multiple questions into a QuizPopper?
- How do I access the Equation Editor within a QuizPopper or TextPopper?
- How do I add groups of quiz questions?
- How do I put a larger image into the Hot Spot activity?
- Maximum Size of Images that can be used in Labeling Activity
- My activity appears cut off (part of the screen or information is missing) when I preview my lesson in a web browser. For instance, part of my crossword puzzle is missing. What should I do?
- All of my 'clue' words do not appear in my Crossword Puzzle. Is there a limit to the number of words used in a Crossword Puzzle?
- I am having trouble moving the labels in the Labeling Activity on my touch-screen device. What can I do?
- Are the Equations created with the new Equation Editor accessible?
- Does SoftChalk have a guide discussing SoftChalk's accessibility compliance? Does SoftChalk have a VPAT (Voluntary Product Evaluation Template)?
- My students use JAWS 13 as the screenreader software to view SoftChalk lessons. Is there an additional step for reading Tooltips in the SoftChalk lesson for this version of JAWS?
- My students use JAWS as the screenreader software to view SoftChalk lessons. How are Tooltips used with JAWS?
- Where can I find a list of the keyboard controls for activities in SoftChalk lessons?
, multiple selections available,
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