The text in my lesson is overlapping in the SoftChalk Create main editing window, but looks fine when I preview my lesson in a web browser. What should I do?

The text in my lesson is overlapping in the SoftChalk Create main editing window, but looks fine when I preview my lesson in a web browser. What should I do?

If you are seeing overlapping text or text that is stretching beyond the edge of the lesson editor, the issue may be related to your computer's screen resolution.   Be sure to check the settings on your computer to see if they are set to the ideal resolution for your system. 
On a PC:

  • Click on the Start Menu (or Start ball in the lower left corner of your screen).
  • Go to Control Panel/Display/Screen Resolution
  • Under the Resolution dropdown menu, choose the size that has (Recommended) next to it

On a Macintosh:

  • Select the Apple icon at the top left corner of the screen
  • Go to System Preferences/Displays
  • Click Display if it's not already selected
  • Select your resolution (the most common is 1280 x 1024 for standard screens and 1280 x 800 for wide screens)

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