How do I use an external monitor with the Surface Pro and SoftChalk Create?
You can attach an external monitor to your Surface Pro and use Create successfully using the instructions below:
- Hook up your Surface Pro to an external monitor. (You can buy adapters to hook to external monitors.)
- Turn on your monitor and then turn on your Surface Pro.
- On the desktop for your Surface Pro, right-click and select Display Settings.
- Using the right scroll bar, scroll down to the Multiple Displays area.
- Change to the setting to Extend these displays.
- Scroll to the top of your window.
- Click on the numbered box corresponding to your external monitor. (You may need to click the Identify link to determine which box represents your external monitor.)
- Scroll down.
- Select Make this my main display.
- Click Apply.
- Click Save Changes.
- IMPORTANT: Restart your computer.
- When you start Create, it should appear in a normal size.