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SoftChalk FAQs
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SoftChalk Cloud
SoftChalk Create 11 New Features
Upgrade to SoftChalk Create
Can I move my lessons back and forth between SoftChalk Create 10 and SoftChalk Create 11?
How do I get updates to SoftChalk Create? What is the latest update?
How do I open lessons I created with SoftChalk Create 10 in SoftChalk Create 11?
I have Java 7 installed on my Windows computer. When I try to launch the new version of Create - Create 10, the program doesn't launch. What should I do?
What are the differences between the Cloud and Desktop versions of SoftChalk Create?
What are some of the new features and enhancements in SoftChalk Create?
What is the latest update for SoftChalk Create? How can I find out if I have the latest update?
SoftChalk Create Desktop Only
Can I use my SoftChalk 10 license key in SoftChalk Create 11 (Desktop Version)?
I have some questions about installing SoftChalk Create (Desktop Version). Where can I get help?
If I uninstall an older version of SoftChalk Create (Desktop version), will I lose my Library items?
If I uninstall an older version of SoftChalk Create (Desktop version), will I lose the themes I created in ThemeBuilder?
Should I uninstall my older version of SoftChalk Create (Desktop Version) before I install my new version of SoftChalk Create (Desktop Version)?
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Support Knowledge Base
SoftChalk Create Desktop Only
SoftChalk Create Desktop Only
Carol SoftChalk
Owned by
Carol SoftChalk
Feb 23, 2018
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