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I am tracking a Quiz Group in my LMS. How do I quickly view learner attempt data?
Agilix Buzz (formerly BrainHoney)
Brightspace by D2L (Desire2Learn)
Canvas (Instructure)
Canvas SoftChalk Link Selector XML
I am a Canvas Administrator. My instructors are using SoftChalk Cloud. Where can I find instructions on enabling the LTI feature for Canvas?
I am a Canvas instructor. The attempts for my students appear as incomplete in the ScoreCenter area for my lessons. When I try to complete an attempt for a student, I get a message that this attempt could not be completed. What should I do?
Instead of using the Link Selector tool, can I still enable the LTI/ScoreCenter feature for our Canvas server?
What web browsers should I use when viewing SoftChalk lessons in Canvas? Is the Chrome browser supported?
When I try to complete a Canvas ScoreCenter lesson by clicking the Finish button at the end of the lesson, I just see a spinning icon. What should I do?
Where can I find instructions on uploading my SoftChalk lesson to Instructure Canvas?
My institution does not have the Link Selector tool enabled. How can I add my non-scored SoftChalk Cloud lesson to Canvas?
My institution does not have the Link Selector tool enabled. How can I add my scored SoftChalk Cloud lesson to Canvas?
I have an existing SoftChalk Link Selector App set up for my Canvas LMS. How do I update the App with the most recent changes?
Canvas Admin - Enable the SoftChalk Link Selector App
I am the Instructor. I used the SoftChalk Link Selector to add my lesson, but scores are not collected in ScoreCenter or Canvas gradebook. What could be wrong?
Jenzabar LMS
Moodle LMS
Sakai LMS
Schoology LMS
Conversion of Word, PDF and Web Files
Activities, QuizPoppers and TextPoppers
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Canvas (Instructure)
Canvas (Instructure)
Carol SoftChalk
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Carol SoftChalk
Feb 26, 2018
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