My activities were working fine in Chrome but recently I get a message "This content requires JavaScript enabled." where my activities should appear. What should I do?

My activities were working fine in Chrome but recently I get a message "This content requires JavaScript enabled." where my activities should appear. What should I do?

The latest update to Chrome v49.0 made changes in how it accepted JavaScript. These changes have impacted how Chrome handles our activities, which use JavaScript.

On Thursday, March 17, 2016 SoftChalk released two fixes to address this issue - a Cloud update and an update to SoftChalk Create 9.02.09.

If you have a Cloud Subscription and are using hyperlinks or LTI links to your content, then the issue should be fixed for you. You do not need to take any action as lessons linking back to the Cloud should work fine in Chrome as well as other browsers.

If you used the File/Save to LMS feature to Blackboard or if you used the File/Package Lesson feature to package, then you would need to re-save and re-package your lessons with the latest Create update 9.02.09 if you want your students to view activities in the Chrome browser. (For the Firefox browser and other browsers, activities will still appear okay without saving in the latest Create update.)

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