How do I use an external monitor with the Surface Pro and SoftChalk Create?

You can attach an external monitor to your Surface Pro and use Create successfully using the instructions below:

  1. Hook up your Surface Pro to an external monitor. (You can buy adapters to hook to external monitors.)
  2. Turn on your monitor and then turn on your Surface Pro.
  3. On the desktop for your Surface Pro, right-click and select Display Settings.
  4. Using the right scroll bar, scroll down to the Multiple Displays area.
  5. Change to the setting to Extend these displays.
  6. Scroll to the top of your window.
  7. Click on the numbered box corresponding to your external monitor. (You may need to click the Identify link to determine which box represents your external monitor.)
  8. Scroll down.
  9. Select Make this my main display.
  10. Click Apply.
  11. Click Save Changes.
  12. IMPORTANT: Restart your computer.
  13. When you start Create, it should appear in a normal size.