Does SoftChalk Cloud have any collaborative features?
Does SoftChalk Cloud have any collaborative features?
Yes, SoftChalk Cloud supports easy collaborative content editing and score tracking among private work groups that you define.
You may:
- Upload, review and revise content and manage student score data with a work group
- Enhanced access control allows you to define groups of users, require passwords, and control access by date and IP address
- Communicate throughout the collaboration process using the built-in comments tool
- Manage your personal, private and shared folders
- Automated versioning makes backup versions of modified content easy to manage
- Copy fellow users' content to your own content area for modification
Be sure to see the FAQ Can two users work in the same lesson at the same time in SoftChalk Cloud?
For more details on collaborating, see the section Collaborate with Other Instructors on SoftChalk Lessons in the SoftChalk Cloud Guide.
For more details on SoftChalk Cloud, please see the FAQ:
How do I get started with SoftChalk Cloud?, the SoftChalk Cloud Guide and the SoftChalk Cloud website.
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