How do I link to a file within my lesson?

How do I link to a file within my lesson?

You can create a link to a file from your lesson by using the Insert/Hyperlink feature in SoftChalk.


  1. Type some text in your lesson.
  2. Select the text that you just typed.
  3. Choose Insert/Hyperlink.
  4. Click Select file and navigate to your file on your local computer.
  5. Once you have located your file, click Open.
  6. If you want your students to view the file in a new browser window, then select the checkbox Open the link in a new window.
  7. Click OK to return to your lesson.
  8. Choose File/Save.

When you save your lesson, SoftChalk automatically places a copy of the linked file into your lesson folder. That way, when you are ready to move your lesson folder to another computer or package your lesson, all the files are in one folder.

For details on file types you can link to, see the FAQ What types of files can I hyperlink to in my lesson?

You can create links to files or Websites in the text of your Textpoppers, Sidebars, and QuizPopper questions as well as in your main content window.
To create a PowerPoint viewable file, see the FAQ How can students view my PowerPoint file in SoftChalk?