My students use JAWS as the screenreader software to view SoftChalk lessons. How are Tooltips used with JAWS?
My students use JAWS as the screenreader software to view SoftChalk lessons. How are Tooltips used with JAWS?
When a tooltip or equation is added to a new SC lesson, an accessible file, ada_annotation, is created within the lesson folder for that item. This .html file is what includes the "Description for use with screen reader/assistive tech". As well, for items such as equations, a readable form of the equation is generated automatically and included in this file.
SoftChalk uses JAWS screenreader to test accessibility. JAWS will recognize a Tooltip as a 'link'. It works like any other link and can be activated with 'Enter' (which is the keyboard shortcut for 'mouse click'). This opens the Tooltip dialogue which then gets read. As long as the Tooltip is open it is essentially part of the lesson page.
The close link within the tooltip is also read, and can be activated the same as any other link, with 'Enter'.
Media contained inside of Textpoppers also works just fine. Tooltip header and content are both read.