Getting Started
Getting Started
- Besides the FAQs > Knowledge Base area, where else can I learn more about SoftChalk Create and SoftChalk Cloud?
- Do you have a guide for students who use SoftChalk lessons?
- How do I create a lesson in a foreign language?
- How do I link to or upload my SoftChalk lesson in my learning management system - Blackboard, Brightspace by D2L, Buzz (by Agilix - formerly BrainHoney), Canvas (by Instructure), eCollege, Jenzabar, Moodle, Sakai, or Schoology?
- How do I quickly learn to create lessons with SoftChalk Create?
- How do I package a lesson to use in Create Online?
- I am using Internet Explorer to view a SoftChalk lesson. The information bar at the top keeps saying that it is blocking Active X content. How can I turn off this function?
- I see that SoftChalk has a number of activities and quiz items. Do you have a list of which items can be scored and which items are for presentation?
- I want to share my SoftChalk content with students and colleagues. I don't have access to a website or a learning management system. Can I email this content? What do you recommend?
- What is the latest update for SoftChalk Create? How do I find out if I have the latest update?
- What web browsers should I use when viewing SoftChalk lessons? Is the Chrome browser supported?
- Where do I learn more about SoftChalk's accessibility compliance?
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