Title: | Create app | |
Owner: | Carol SoftChalk | |
Creator: | Carol SoftChalk | Dec 12, 2022 |
Last Changed by: | Carol SoftChalk | Mar 31, 2023 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://softchalk.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CgCejQ | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Children (13)
What is SoftChalk Create? How do I get it?
I have a SoftChalk Cloud account. When I launch Create from my Cloud account in Chrome/Edge, I am prompted to download Create again. I have already downloaded Create. Do I need to download again?
How do I get updates to SoftChalk Create? What is the latest update?
What is the latest update for SoftChalk Create? How can I find out if I have the latest update?
Do I need to be connected to the internet to work in SoftChalk Create?
I have a SoftChalk Cloud account. I am using the SoftChalk Create shortcut on my desktop. How do I remove my account information from my local computer?
How do I open lessons I created with SoftChalk Create 10 in SoftChalk Create 11?
Why doesn't my SoftChalk lesson zip package open when I choose File/Open Packaged Lesson in SoftChalk Create?
My lesson will not open in SoftChalk Create. I receive an error message: "Cannot open the packaged lesson. The folder "Lesson_Name" already exists in the directory with the packaged lesson."
How do I edit the HTML source code for my lesson?
What is SoftChalk Create? How do I get it?
I have a SoftChalk Cloud account. When I launch Create from my Cloud account in Chrome/Edge, I am prompted to download Create again. I have already downloaded Create. Do I need to download again?
How do I get updates to SoftChalk Create? What is the latest update?
What is the latest update for SoftChalk Create? How can I find out if I have the latest update?
Do I need to be connected to the internet to work in SoftChalk Create?
I have a SoftChalk Cloud account. I am using the SoftChalk Create shortcut on my desktop. How do I remove my account information from my local computer?
How do I open lessons I created with SoftChalk Create 10 in SoftChalk Create 11?
Why doesn't my SoftChalk lesson zip package open when I choose File/Open Packaged Lesson in SoftChalk Create?
My lesson will not open in SoftChalk Create. I receive an error message: "Cannot open the packaged lesson. The folder "Lesson_Name" already exists in the directory with the packaged lesson."
How do I edit the HTML source code for my lesson?
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SoftChalk FAQs (1)
Create app