I am an instructor. How do I add my SoftChalk lesson to Schoology?

I am an instructor. How do I add my SoftChalk lesson to Schoology?

This article describes how to add scored SoftChalk lesson links into your Schoology course. It is assumed that you have already created your SoftChalk lesson and saved it into your SoftChalk Cloud account.

  1. In your SoftChalk Cloud Account, navigate to My Content>Lessons.

2. Click on the name of a lesson.

3. Scroll down. At the bottom right, right-click within the LTI Link field and choose Copy.

Be sure to copy the LTI Link and NOT the Hyperlink for the lesson.

(You will NOT see the LTI Link if the privacy option for your lesson is public or no access.)

  1. After copying the LTI Link for your lesson, log into your Schoology account and choose your course from the Courses drop-down menu.

You will need admin privileges in your course to add an LTI link.

2. From the Add Materials drop-down menu, choose Add File/Link/External Tool.

If you do NOT see this Add Materials drop-down menu, you may not have Admin privileges for your course. Please contact your Schoology Administrator for help.

3. Select External Tool.

4. For the Tool Provider, select SoftChalk Cloud. (If you do not see SoftChalk Cloud
listed, please contact your Schoology administrator who can set up this tool for you.)
Type in the Title for your item, paste in the LTI link that you copied previously for
your SoftChalk Cloud lesson and select Enable Grading.

5. Enter the point value for your lesson, select a grading category (create a new category, if necessary), select a scale and select a period. Click Submit.

IMPORTANT: If you forget to select a grading category, scores from your students will NOT appear in your gradebook. (If you forget to select a category, you can edit the LTI link later and select a category. Then previous and future scores will appear in your gradebook.)


Note: FYI, we noticed in our testing, that if you enter 100 points for a lesson that does not have 100 points, for example your SoftChalk lesson has 3 points, then the score for your lesson in the Schoology gradebook will reflect a percentage. For example, if you got 1 item correct, the score would be 33.33 in the Schoology gradebook.

6. Your LTI link will appear in your Materials area.

(At this point there will also be a column in your gradebook for this item.)

Congratulations! You have successfully linked your SoftChalk content to your Schoology course.


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