How do I add a Footer to my SoftChalk lesson?

How do I add a Footer to my SoftChalk lesson?

Add a Footer

  1. In the Create Online editor, click on the Properties icon in the toolbar.

2. Choose the Footer menu item.

3. The following details are toggled to display in the footer area of the lesson by default.

  • Print All

  • Copyright

  • Date Last Modified

(You can toggle these features On or Off.)

4. (optional) You can set a License attribution to display in the footer area of the lesson.

5. (optional) Add custom text to display in your Footer.

Right-click in the rich text editor for even more footer customization.

6. Click OK to save changes.

If you change your mind about how you'd like the Footer area to display, just return to the dialog described above and make your changes.

Also see FAQs How do I apply a theme to my lesson? , How do I add a Table of Contents to my lesson? What are other Sidebar options? , and I want to add a title to my lesson. How do I get text to display in the heading area of my lesson page? .

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