How do I apply a theme to my lesson?

How do I apply a theme to my lesson?

When you apply a theme to your lesson, your lesson automatically acquires a modern, professional appearance with a header, footer, navigation bar and options for sidebars. 
Designer headings and callout boxes will match the style properties you have chosen for the lesson.  

Apply a theme:

  1. Log into your SoftChalk Cloud account.


2. Open Create Online.

  • Under My Contents>Lessons, click the Edit (pencil) icon at the right of the lesson title to open an existing lesson in Create Online

  • Click the 'plus' icon at the right of a folder title to create a new lesson in that folder using Create Online.

  • Click Create Lesson in Create Online under the Actions menu at the right.

3. In the toolbar, click on the Properties (gear) icon.

4. Click on Themes.


5. There are 15 default Themes available in SoftChalk. Select the Theme that you would like from the drop-down menu.

6. Click OK.

7. Then Save and Preview the changes.

The theme will not display in the editing mode of SoftChalk. But if you preview your lesson page in your browser, you will see the theme applied to your lesson page.

Learn about additional Lesson Properties information in the Theme section of the SoftChalk Cloud Guide.


Also see FAQs I want to add a title to my lesson. How do I get text to display in the heading area of my lesson page? , How do I add a Table of Contents to my lesson? What are other Sidebar options? , and How do I add a Footer to my SoftChalk lesson? .

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