Canvas Integration Guide Updated January 23, 2019

Links to SoftChalk FAQs, System Specs and Guides
SoftChalk Cloud
Volume Purchase or Purchase Order
Enterprise SoftChalk Cloud
Individual Purchase on the SoftChalk Cloud Website
Trial SoftChalk Cloud Account
SoftChalk Lessons in Canvas
SoftChalk Cloud Users
Scored Lessons (Cloud Users)
ScoreCenter Overview
Basic Procedures
Scored Lesson Using SoftChalk Selector
Set the Grading Method and Maximum Attempts
Preview the Lesson
View or Change Scores
Complete All Attempts for All Students for a Lesson
View Grades from LTI Lessons in the Canvas Gradebook
Non Scored Lessons (Cloud Users)
Link to Non-Scored SoftChalk Lesson
Embed Non-Scored SoftChalk Lesson
Edit a SoftChalk Cloud Lesson
Collaborate with Other Instructors on SoftChalk Lessons
Canvas Administrator
Desktop Users
Scored Lessons (Desktop Users)
Print or Email Scores
Add the SCORM tool to your course navigation
Use the SCORM tool
Non Scored Lessons (Desktop Users)
In SoftChalk Create: Package a Lesson
In Canvas: Upload a Zip File
Edit a Lesson NOT Saved to SoftChalk Cloud
Copyright Information


This guide covers linking to or uploading your SoftChalk lessons into the Canvas learning management system.

Links to SoftChalk FAQs, System Specs and Guides

For your instructors, you may want to post the URLs for our guides (see below). As we update the guides, the URLs will remain the same.


Description and URL

SoftChalk FAQs

Search our FAQs

System Specifications and Supported Browsers

This web page lists the system specifications for instructors and students.

Canvas Integration Guide

This guide has step by step instructions for linking to or uploading your SoftChalk lessons into Canvas. Please note that scores from SoftChalk lessons can go into your Canvas gradebook.

Student Guide to SoftChalk Lessons

This Student Guide includes a Troubleshooting section.

SoftChalk Create Guide

SofChalk Create is SoftChalk's content authoring program. It is available in both a web launch version (as part of a SoftChalk Cloud Account - see the section SoftChalk Cloud) and in a desktop version.

SoftChalk Cloud Guide

SoftChalk Cloud is an award-winning, multi-function platform that combines a learning object repository, content authoring and hosting and management features.

SoftChalk Cloud

As mentioned in the previous table, SoftChalk Cloud is an award-winning, multi-function platform that combines a learning object repository, content authoring and hosting and management features.
With a SoftChalk Cloud account, you can:

Volume Purchase or Purchase Order

To take advantage of volume purchasing (or if you plan to purchase a SoftChalk Cloud account with a purchase order), please contact

Enterprise SoftChalk Cloud

Your institution also has the option to purchase an Enterprise SoftChalk Cloud. Please contact

Individual Purchase on the SoftChalk Cloud Website

Go to our SoftChalk Cloud website and click the Join Now button in the upper right part of the screen (see below) and select Account Type: Purchase Now. Fill out the information and submit your credit card information.

Trial SoftChalk Cloud Account

Try out a SoftChalk Cloud account for 30 days. Click the Join Now button (see above) and click Register for a Free 30-Day trial for SoftChalk Cloud link to fill out the form. You will receive an activation key via email.

SoftChalk Lessons in Canvas

If you are a SoftChalk Cloud user, see the section SoftChalk Cloud Users.
If you don't have a SoftChalk Cloud account and you are using the desktop version of SoftChalk, see the section Desktop Users.
If you are a Canvas administrator, see the section Canvas Administrator for instructions on enabling your LTI feature to work with SoftChalk Cloud. (The LTI feature allows an instructor to copy and paste an LTI link for his/her SoftChalk Cloud lesson and have the student scores for that lesson go directly into the Canvas gradebook.)

SoftChalk Cloud Users

Use a SoftChalk Cloud account to save your lesson in the Cloud (see the section SoftChalk Cloud). Then you will paste a link to this lesson in Canvas. You can update your content in SoftChalk Cloud and all your link(s) will reflect your changes. You can link to the same lesson in multiple sections or courses.
Before pasting a link to your lesson into Canvas, you will want to decide if you want to collect scores from your students or if you want your lessons to be "practice" lessons and you don't need to collect scores. For each lesson you can decide whether or not to collect scores. Many instructors use both "scored" and "practice" lessons within a course. For details on:

Scored Lessons (Cloud Users)

ScoreCenter Overview

When you view your SoftChalk lesson scores within the Canvas gradebook, you are using a SoftChalk feature called the ScoreCenter. In other words, you click on the name for your lesson in the assignments area of Canvas and you see the SoftChalk ScoreCenter interface but all the scores are also "plugged into" the Canvas gradebook. In Canvas, students will also see their grades from SoftChalk lessons as well.
IMPORTANT: To use the ScoreCenter feature, your Canvas administrator needs to configure your system to use this feature. See the section Canvas Administrator.
With the ScoreCenter feature, you can:

Basic Procedures

IMPORTANT: Within your lesson in SoftChalk Create, be sure to assign points to each QuizPopper and Activity. (In the main editing window of your SoftChalk lesson, right-click on the QuizPopper or Activity and choose Modify QuizPopper or Modify Activity. Go to the Options tab and use the Points dropdown menu to assign points.)
To have your student scores appear within the Canvas gradebook area (i.e. ScoreCenter interface), you need to:

Scored Lesson Using SoftChalk Selector

  1. Log into your Canvas account and choose your course (see below).

  1. At the left, click Assignments (see below). If Assignments happens to be gray, that is because you have not yet entered an assignment but you can still click on Assignments to enter a new assignment.) IMPORTANT: If you put the SoftChalk content into another area such as Modules, the scores will NOT integrate with the Canvas gradebook.

  1. Click on a + sign to add your SoftChalk content (see below).

  1. For the Type, select External Tool from the dropdown menu. Enter a Name. IMPORTANT: In the points area, enter the total number of points for the lesson (see below). Then click More Options.

  1. Scroll down your screen to the Submission Type area and select External Tool again. In the Enter or find and External Tool URL field, click Find.
  2. Select the SoftChalk Link Selector.

  1. Click on a folder listed to the right to open the folder.

  1. Click on a lesson within the folder to select.

  1. Click Preview to view a preview of the SoftChalk lesson selected.
  2. Click Select for LTI Link to automatically insert the SoftChalk lesson LTI link into the Configure External Tool URL field. You should choose the option to Load in a New Tab (i.e. load the lesson in a new tab - see below). Click Select.

  1. Scroll down and double-check your settings. (You can put in dates if you like.) Make sure the points match up with the number of points in the lesson. At the bottom, click Save & Publish if you are ready for your students to use your lesson (see below). (If you are still working on your lesson, then click Save. Later you can publish the link.

(FYI, in the Assignments area, there are different icons for published and unpublished items – see below)

  1. If you chose to load the lesson in a new tab, you'll see the following screen.

  1. Be sure to see the next section Set the Grading Method and Maximum Attempts.

If you do not see the SoftChalk Link Selector tool, your Canvas administrator may not have enabled this feature. However, the administrator may have enabled the LTI/ScoreCenter feature within your LMS. Please see the below FAQ if you are unable to use the Link Selector tool.
My institution does not have the Link Selector tool enabled. How can I add my scored SoftChalk Cloud lesson to Canvas?

Set the Grading Method and Maximum Attempts

You will need to set the grading method (i.e. first attempt, most recent attempt, average attempt or highest attempt) and the maximum attempts allowed (unlimited or a specific number of attempts). All the student attempts will be collected and you can view all the attempts for each student for each lesson. You can change the grading method and maximum attempts at any point. If you want to allow your students only one attempt for the lesson, you need to set that option right away.

  1. Log into your Canvas account and choose your course from the Courses menu at the left (see below).

  1. At the left, click Assignments (see below).

  1. Click on name of your lesson in the assignments area (see below).

  1. Click Load [Lesson Name] in a new window (see below).

  1. The SoftChalk ScoreCenter screen appears. Click Change Grading Method. Select a grading method from the drop down menu and be sure to click Change Grading Method (see below).

  1. At the SoftChalk ScoreCenter screen, click Change Maximum Attempts. Select the maximum attempts from the drop down menu and be sure to click Change Maximum Attempts (see below).

  1. If you chose to open your lesson in a new window, you can click the X for the browser window to return to your course.

Preview the Lesson

To test out the lesson, you need to be logged into your course as a student.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to LOG OUT of your SoftChalk Cloud account when you are taking your lesson as a student to test out the ScoreCenter feature. If you are logged into your SoftChalk Cloud account while also logged into Canvas and taking a lesson, then the scores won't be recorded. If you have exited your browser, you may still be logged into SoftChalk Cloud, so please go to SoftChalk Cloud and see if you are logged in.

View or Change Scores

  1. Log into your Canvas account and choose your course from the Courses menu at the left (see below).

  1. At the left, click Assignments (see below).

  1. Click on the name of your lesson in the Assignments area (see below).

  1. Click Load [Lesson Name] in a new window (see below).

  1. The SoftChalk ScoreCenter screen appears. In the Learner area, click the dropdown menu for the attempts for a specific student. Click on an attempt (see below). As previously mentioned, IMPORTANT: Be sure to LOG OUT of your SoftChalk Cloud account when you are taking your lesson as a student to test out the ScoreCenter feature. If you are logged into your SoftChalk Cloud account while also logged into Canvas and taking a lesson, then the scores won't be recorded. If you have exited your browser, you may still be logged into SoftChalk Cloud, so please go to SoftChalk Cloud and see if you are logged in.

  1. Notice you can view detailed information about this attempt at the bottom.

  1. If you need to change the Score for the Attempt, click Change Score for Attempt. Enter a new score and click Submit (see below). IMPORTANT: An attempt has to be complete before you can change the score.

  1. Notice that you also have the option to Clear an attempt (see below). If you clear an attempt, it will not count as part of the grade calculation. If you change your mind, you can restore the attempt.

  1. Notice that you also have the option to Complete an attempt (see below). If a student starts a lesson but neglects to click the Finish button at the end of the lesson, then that attempt is incomplete. An incomplete attempt does not count as part of the grade calculation. You can cause the attempt to be completed so that the score for the attempt is part of the grade calculation.

Complete All Attempts for All Students for a Lesson

You have the option to complete all attempts for all students for a lesson. You may find that your students have neglected to complete their attempts (i.e. they have neglected to click Finish on the last page of the lesson – clicking Finish sends a completion status to the gradebook).
IMPORTANT: You may want to do this procedure after the availability of your lesson has expired. After you do this procedure, future attempts can be incomplete.
IMPORTANT: This procedure cannot be undone. (You can change individual scores or re-open individual attempts if you need to.)

  1. Log into your Canvas account and choose your course.
  2. Go to the area where you have your content or assignments.
  3. Click on the name of your lesson.
  4. Click Complete All Attempts and Complete All Attempts (see below).


If you use essays in your lesson, you can view the essays within the ScoreCenter area (see the previous section View or Change Scores). Please note the following important information.

  1. In SoftChalk Create, insert an essay (File/Insert/QuizPopper/Essay).
  2. In SoftChalk Create, you can assign points to the essay under the Options tab for the essay (File/Insert/QuizPopper/Essay). Assigning points is optional.
  3. Remind your students to click Finish for each essay (see below).

You can modify the grade for the lesson based on the points you decide to give to the essay. For example, you may have a lesson worth 100 points including one essay worth 10 points. (You assigned the points under the Options tab for the essay and other items.) Let's say a student completes everything correctly, completes the essay, clicks the Finish button for the essay and then clicks the Finish button on the last page of the lesson to submit his or her score. At this stage, the student has a score of 90 out of 100 because you will need to evaluate the essay and assign points. You can go into the gradebook (i.e. ScoreCenter) and evaluate the essay and modify the score. You may want to provide feedback to the student on the essay by clicking the Feedback button within the attempt.
(You may want to explain the above process to your students; as mentioned, you also have the option to assign 0 points to an essay if you like.)

View Grades from LTI Lessons in the Canvas Gradebook

If you go to the Gradebook area in Canvas, you can see that the scores from your lessons (using the LTI Link and external tool – see the previous sections Paste the LTI Link into Canvas and Set the Grading Method and Maximum Attempts) appear in your Canvas Gradebook. (If you want to view or change scores for individual student attempts, see the section View or Change Scores.)
IMPORTANT: As previously mentioned, be sure to LOG OUT of your SoftChalk Cloud account when you are taking your lesson as a student to test out the ScoreCenter feature. (If you are logged into your SoftChalk Cloud account while logged into Canvas and taking a lesson, then the scores won't be recorded.)

  1. Log into your Canvas account and choose your course from the Courses menu at the left (see below).

  1. At the left, click Grades (see below).

  1. View the grade for your SoftChalk lesson (see below). (You may need to scroll to find your lesson listed.)

Non Scored Lessons (Cloud Users)

This section explains how to have your students access "practice" SoftChalk lessons. In other words, you don't plan to collect student scores from these lessons. [You can have items that have points assigned to them within your lesson, but if you want to collect the scores, see the section Scored Lessons (Cloud Users).]
There are two options to add your non scored "practice" lesson to your course:

Link to Non-Scored SoftChalk Lesson

  1. Save your SoftChalk lesson to your SoftChalk Cloud account. See the section Save a Lesson or Course to the Cloud in the SoftChalk Cloud Guide.
  2. Log into your Canvas account and choose your course (see below).

  1. At the left, click Assignments (see below).

  1. Click on a + sign to add your LTI link (see below).

  1. Enter a Name for your assignment and click More Options (see below).

  1. In the top box, click the SoftChalk Link Selector icon in the tool bar (see below).

  1. Click on a lesson within the folder to select.
  2. Click Hyperlink to add the SoftChalk lesson selected to your course and click Select.

  1. You will see the linked lesson name appear in the Canvas HTML editor. (see below).

  1. Scroll down and double-check your settings. (You can put in dates if you like.) At the bottom, click Save & Publish if you are ready for your students to use your lesson (see below). If you are still working on your lesson, then click Save. Later you can publish the link.

(FYI, in the Assignments area, there are different icons for published and unpublished items – see below)

  1. Click the link for the lesson to preview it (see below).

If the Link Selector tool is not enabled, please see the below FAQ for steps to place your non-scored lesson in Canvas.
My institution does not have the Link Selector tool enabled. How can I add my non-scored SoftChalk Cloud lesson to Canvas?

Embed Non-Scored SoftChalk Lesson

  1. Save your SoftChalk lesson to your SoftChalk Cloud account. See the section Save a Lesson or Course to the Cloud in the SoftChalk Cloud Guide.
  2. Log into your Canvas account and choose your course (see below).

  1. At the left, click Assignments (see below).

  1. Click on a + sign to add your LTI link (see below).

  1. Enter a Name for your assignment and click More Options (see below).

  1. In the top box, click the SoftChalk Link Selector icon in the tool bar (see below).

  1. Click on a lesson within the folder to select.
  2. Click Embed to add the SoftChalk lesson selected to your course and click Select.

  1. You will see the lesson embedded in the Canvas HTML editor. (see below).

  1. Scroll down and double-check your settings. (You can put in dates if you like.) At the bottom, click Save & Publish if you are ready for your students to use your lesson (see below). If you are still working on your lesson, then click Save. Later you can publish the link.

(FYI, in the Assignments area, there are different icons for published and unpublished items – see below)

Edit a SoftChalk Cloud Lesson

If you used the LTI Link or Hyperlink to your SoftChalk Cloud lesson, then you can easily edit your lesson within your SoftChalk Cloud account. (You don't have to paste in a new LTI Link or Hyperlink; simply edit your current lesson in SoftChalk Cloud and the LTI Link or Hyperlink for this lesson will still work.)
IMPORTANT: If you edit a lesson that has scored items and you have pasted an LTI Link for this lesson into Canvas, we recommend the scoring for your lesson remain the same if students have started taking this lesson.

  1. Log into your SoftChalk Cloud account.
  2. Click My Content/My Lessons and Courses.
  3. Open the folder that contains your lesson. Click on the name of your lesson.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom right under Lesson Actions and click Edit Lesson in SoftChalk Create.
  5. Make changes and choose File/Save to SoftChalk Cloud. (If you click the Save icon, you are saving your lesson temporarily to your local computer.)
  6. Double-check that your lesson is selected in the file tree at the right. Click Save. Click OK at the screen saying your item will be replaced. Click OK at the screen saying your lesson was saved to SoftChalk Cloud. Click Close. Choose File/Quit if you want to quit SoftChalk Create. (For more details on editing, see the section Edit a Lesson in the SoftChalk Cloud Guide.)
  7. Your lessons will be automatically updated with any changes in all linked instances within Canvas.

Collaborate with Other Instructors on SoftChalk Lessons

You can collaborate with other instructors to create your SoftChalk lessons using a SoftChalk Cloud account (or a trial SoftChalk Cloud account). Within SoftChalk Create, you can publish your lesson to your SoftChalk Cloud account. Another instructor [also using SoftChalk Create and a SoftChalk Cloud account (or a trial SoftChalk Cloud account)] can access and edit the lesson you published.
IMPORTANT: Simultaneous work in the same lesson is not supported. In other words, one person should be working on the lesson at a time. (If two or more people are making changes to the same lesson at the same time and saving the lesson to the Cloud, they may end up overwriting each other's changes.)
For more details, see the section Collaborate with Other Instructors on SoftChalk Lessons in the SoftChalk Cloud Guide.

Canvas Administrator

The steps below are for your Canvas administrator to enable the LTI/ScoreCenter feature for your Canvas server. For details on the LTI/ScoreCenter feature, see the section Scored Lessons (Cloud Users).
As a Canvas administrator to use the ScoreCenter feature, you need to register with SoftChalk and configure the ScoreCenter for your system.

  1. Please contact and provide the following information to register with SoftChalk and receive authentication credentials (i.e. an OAuth Consumer Key and an OAuth Consumer Secret).If you have a test server and a production server, you may send us two LMS URLs and we will register both of them. (You will receive a separate email with a unique key and secret for each registered URL.)
    1. Your institution name
    2. LMS URL
    3. First Name (optional) of the person registering with us
    4. Last Name (optional) of the person registering with us
    5. Email for this registration (the email can be a specific person's email or a generic email such as
  2. After registering, you will receive an email from SoftChalk with information to enter into your Canvas system (see the steps below).
  3. Log into your Canvas administrator account. Under the Admin menu and click on the name of your institution (see below).

  1. At the bottom left, click Settings (see below).

  1. Select Apps tab and then select View App Configurations. Then select Add App (see below).

  1. Fill in the information on this screen (see the next page) by copying the information from the email you received from SoftChalk after you registered.
    1. Choose Paste XML as the Configuration Type.

    1. Enter SoftChalk Link Selector for the Tool Name.

    1. Enter both the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. Consumer Secret in the email is the same as Shared Secret on this screen. IMPORTANT- Make sure to delete the extra space picked up at the end of the key and secret after you copy paste that information from the SoftChalk email.
    2. Paste the XML into the text entry field. Click on XML link to save and open the file in Notepad. Copy/Paste into the XML field in Canvas when setting up the tool. Click Submit.

Be sure to click Submit once you have entered your information.

  1. The SoftChalk Link Selector will then be listed under External Apps. Click on the Gear icon to the right of the SoftChalk Link Selector listed.
  2. Choose Edit.
  3. Enter in the Domain field.

  1. Click Submit.
  2. Test an LTI Link to see that grades go into the Canvas gradebook by following the steps in the section Scored Lessons (Cloud Users). IMPORTANT: As previously mentioned, be sure to LOG OUT of your SoftChalk Cloud account when you are taking your lesson as a student to test out the ScoreCenter feature. (If you are logged into your SoftChalk Cloud account while logged into Canvas and taking a lesson, then the scores won't be recorded.)

As a Canvas administrator, you can enable the LTI/ScoreCenter feature for your Canvas server without using the SoftChalk Link Selector Tool. Please see the FAQ:
Instead of using the Link Selector tool, can I still enable the LTI/ScoreCenter feature for our Canvas server?

Desktop Users

IMPORTANT: As mentioned previously, we recommend using the SoftChalk Cloud ScoreCenter solution versus using SCORM. See the section ScoreCenter Overview.
IMPORTANT: Within your lesson in SoftChalk Create, be sure to assign points to each QuizPopper and Activity. (In the main editing window of your SoftChalk lesson, right-click on the QuizPopper or Activity and choose Modify QuizPopper or Modify Activity. Go to the Options tab and use the Points dropdown menu to assign points.)

Scored Lessons (Desktop Users)

Print or Email Scores

Your students can print certificates of their scores and/or your students can email you within the lesson to send their scores. The basic steps are:

  1. Create scored quiz questions and/or activities within your SoftChalk lesson and assign points via the Options tab for each quiz question or activity.
  2. Add the email feature within your SoftChalk lesson. Within SoftChalk Create, choose File/Package Lesson. Make the appropriate selections under Student Options.
  3. On the last page of your lesson within the web browser, is an area for students to type their name or identifier and then click Email Score, Print Certificate and/or Print Score Summary. (You can preview your lesson on your local computer to see how this works.)

With the email option, you will get an email from each student for each attempt the student made for the lesson.
If you are uploading a zip file to Canvas, then see the next sections In SoftChalk Create: Package a Lesson and In Canvas: Upload a Zip File.


IMPORTANT: As mentioned previously, we recommend using the SoftChalk Cloud ScoreCenter solution versus using SCORM. See the section ScoreCenter Overview.
The Canvas SCORM tool can play SCORM content and, if you wish, return a score to the Canvas gradebook.

Add the SCORM tool to your course navigation

SCORM is hidden by default.
To add a hidden tool to your course navigation menu:
1.In your course navigation menu, click Settings.
2.On the Navigation tab, in the list of hidden tools (under "Drag items here to hide them from students"), find the desired tool, and then click the corresponding Settings (gear) icon.
3.Select Enable and, if desired, drag and drop the enabled tool to change its position in the tool list.
4.Click Save.

Use the SCORM tool

  1. From your course navigation menu, select SCORM.

  1. At the upper right, click Upload.

3.Select the .zip file containing your SCORM package. It may take several seconds to upload the file, depending on its size; a progress bar will indicate upload status. When the process is complete, the new upload may appear at the bottom of your list of SCORM packages.
4.From the Choose import type... drop-down menu, choose to import as either a graded or ungraded assignment. Click Go.

5.Navigate to the Assignments tool and find the new assignment. Edit the assignment to add necessary instructions, point value, due date, and so on. Do not change anything in the "Submission Type" field.
6.Click Save, and then click Publish to publish the assignment.
Your students will access the SCORM object via the Assignments tool. If you have made it a graded assignment, students' scores on the assignment will appear in the gradebook.

Non Scored Lessons (Desktop Users)

Within SoftChalk, you can package a lesson in a .zip format. Then upload this .zip file into Canvas and unzip it. See the steps below to package a lesson in a .zip format.

In SoftChalk Create: Package a Lesson

  1. Start SoftChalk Create. Within your lesson in SoftChalk Create, choose File/Package Lesson. Under Package type, choose Standard Zip. Under Track score using choose None (see below).

  1. If you are using SoftChalk Create, select the area where you want the .zip file saved such as your Desktop. Then click OK. By default, you would save to your Documents area. With earlier versions of SoftChalk, the .zip file is saved within the lesson folder.
  2. Your packaged file has your lesson name with a .zip extension (see below). If your file extensions are not showing, you will not see the .zip at the end of the filename. Look for a folder with a zipper or package icon with your lesson name.

In Canvas: Upload a Zip File

  1. Log into your Canvas account and choose your course from the Courses menu at the left (see below).

  1. At the left, click Files (see below).

  1. At the right, click Folder (see below).

  1. Type a name for your folder (see below) and hit the Enter key on your keyboard when you are finished (see below).

  1. Click on the name of your newly created folder to open it (see below).

  1. At the right, click Upload (see below).

  1. Navigate to your zip file. Click on your .zip file to select it (see below) and click Open. (If your file extensions are not showing, you will not see the .zip at the end of the filename. Look for a folder with a zipper or package icon with your lesson name.)

  1. Click Expand it (see below).

  1. Wait while the file uploads (see below). Sometimes it takes a while for a zip file to upload.

  1. The .zip file automatically unzips as it is being uploaded when you choose the Expand It option. When this process is complete, you will see your lesson folder with all the items (see below).

  1. At the left, click Assignments (see below).

  1. Click on a + sign to add your assignment (see below).

  1. Enter a Name for your assignment and click More Options (see below).

  1. In the top box, type some text such as Start Lesson. Select this text (see below).

  1. At the right side of your screen, click Files and click the course files folder to open it (see below).

  1. Open the folder you created previously (e.g. Eye Anatomy). Scroll down and click the index.html file for this folder (see below).

  1. At the bottom, click Save & Publish if you are ready for your students to use your lesson (see below). (If you are still working on your lesson, then click Save. Later you can publish the link.)

(FYI, in the Assignments area, there are different icons for published and unpublished items – see below)

  1. Click the link for the lesson to preview it (see below).

Edit a Lesson NOT Saved to SoftChalk Cloud

  1. In SoftChalk, edit and save your lesson. Package the lesson (see the section In SoftChalk: Package a Lesson).
  2. In Canvas, delete your lesson folder.
  3. Upload your lesson again (see the previous section In Canvas: Upload a Zip File.)


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Copyright Information

SoftChalk™ Create SoftChalk™ Cloud
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All Rights Reserved.