When you upload learning content to SoftChalk Cloud, you may choose to make it public or personal. If you make your learning content public, anyone who visits the SoftChalk Cloud site will be able to view, embed, or link to your learning object. All learning objects that are made public on the SoftChalk Cloud site are automatically assigned a Creative Commons Attribution license. For more information about this Creative Commons license, please see the FAQ When I upload my Learning Object to Cloud and make it public, it has a "Creative Commons" logo at the bottom. What does this mean?.

If you do not want others to view, embed, or link to your learning content, you may make it personal or no-access. When you make learning content personal, you may still provide the embed code and link information to others—but you will have to provide them with the information. They will not be able to find your learning object by searching the Cloud site.  If you make your learning content no-access, then it will not be accessible to anyone but you (and you will have to be logged into SoftChalk Cloud to access it).

For more details on SoftChalk Cloud, please see the FAQ:
How do I get started with SoftChalk Cloud?, the SoftChalk Cloud Guide and the SoftChalk Cloud website.