- Created by Carol SoftChalk , last modified on Nov 07, 2023
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This page is to provide an overview of the details that are available in ScoreCenter.
To use ScoreCenter, you will need to insert the LTI link for your SoftChalk Cloud content in your LMS (Learning Management Systems) course.
You can view these details in the LMS guides available at https://softchalk.com/support/user-guides .
Click the arrow to expand each topic below for additional details.
When you insert your LTI SoftChalk Cloud lesson into your LMS course, click on the assignment to launch ScoreCenter. | |
Once Learners access and complete the assignment, this section will include the additional details mentioned below. | |
The title at the top is linked to the plain hyperlink for the SoftChalk lesson. View the same content students are accessing in the assignment. No data is collected when you view the lesson from the hyperlinked title. | |
The ScoreCenter Actions menu is also available here. This is where you can Change Scoring Method, Change Maximum Attempts and/or Complete All Attempts. View the Actions menu details in the LMS guides at https://softchalk.com/support/user-guides . |
The Class Average section of the ScoreCenter will give you a quick visual of: | |
Number of Learners that have accessed the assignment. | |
A visual representation of how well the Learners performed on the assignment.
If no Learners have accessed and completed the assignment, you will see the text: No learner attempt data to display. | |
View additional Class Average details: | |
Attempts Total number of attempts that have been made on this assignment. Lessons This is the average score for all | |
QuizPopper, Quiz Group, Activity These are the items captured throughout the lesson. The page number where the item is located within the lesson is also identified. | |
Average score This is the class average score for the item above. Class Percent Correct is a percentage of how well the class performed for the item above. | |
Allow retry identifies if the item allows more than one try in a student attempt. This is a setting option available when creating the item in SoftChalk. For example, below is a Multiple-Choice QuizPopper with Allow retry enabled. So, students can try answering the question multiple times before completing their attempt (by clicking the Finish button on the last page of the lesson). |
Learner list | |
Quickly view how well students performed or access a student attempt to view Learner answer-choices. | |
Learner List This is a list of Learner names of users that have launched the assignment and clicked Continue in the first popup message to access the material. | |
Number of Attempts This number represents the number of attempts the student has started. Unless specified in the ScoreCenter Max Attempts setting, students can access the assignment multiple times. | |
Score The Learners score based on the ScoreCenter Scoring Method. You can choose to post a Learner’s Most Recent (default) Score, First Score, Average Score, or Highest Score of a completed attempt. | |
Performance Icons A quick view of how well the student performed in for each QuizPopper, Quiz Group, or Activity in the lesson.
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Place your cursor over the icon for a quick view of the interactive details.
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Completed with Full Credit The Learner completed and obtained full credit for the QuizPopper, Quiz Group, or Activity | |
Completed with Partial Credit The Learner completed and obtained partial credit for the QuizPopper, Quiz Group, or Activity | |
Completed with No Credit The Learner completed the QuizPopper, Quiz Group, or Activity, but did not score points.
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Not Attempted The Learner did not complete the QuizPopper, Quiz Group, or Activity. | |
A QuizPopper or Quiz Group is completed when the Learner clicks the Check Answers button (Finish for each Essay QuizPopper). If the Check Answers button (Finish for each Essay) is NOT clicked, the Learner answer is not captured and points are not received. ScoreCenter will display N/A for any QuizPopper or Quiz Group that was not completed. | For example: |
An Activity is completed by finishing the activity or by clicking on the Complete Activity icon available for each interactive. The Complete Activity icon allows a student to complete the activity with partial credit. If the student does NOT finish the Activity or click the Complete Activity icon, the Learner attempt is not captured and points are not received. ScoreCenter will display N/A for any activity that was not completed. |
Individual Learner Attempt List | |
Click on the Learner name to view a list of attempts started by the student. | |
Name When you click on the Learner name, you will see a list of attempts the student has started.
In the example at the right, Student A has made 2 attempts. | |
Status Icon In the example at the right, Student A completed an attempt on Oct 10, 2023 (Completed status check-mark icon). On Oct 11, 2023, Student A started an attempt and obtained 82 points. | |
| Complete - check-mark The Learner has clicked the Finish button on the last page of the lesson to complete their attempt. Or, The instructor has manually completed the attempt using the ScoreCenter Actions menu. |
| Incomplete - exclamation This is an in-progress attempt. The Learner has opened the assignment and clicked the Continue button in the popup message to access the material. However, the Learner has not clicked the Finish button on the last page |
| Changed Score - check-mark with plus sign The instructor has manually changed the score for the attempt using the ScoreCenter Actions menu. |
| Cleared Score - crossed-out circle The instructor has manually cleared the attempt using the ScoreCenter Actions menu. |
Started Date This is the date and GMT timestamp when the Learner started the assignment. The Learner opens the assignment and clicks the Continue button in the popup window (below) to view the material. | |
Completed Date Date and GMT timestamp when the Learner clicks the Finish button on the last page to complete their attempt. Or, the date and GMT timestamp when the instructor manually completes the attempt using the ScoreCenter Actions menu. If a Learner has not clicked Finish to complete their attempt, ScoreCenter will display N/A for the Completed Date. | |
Duration Total days, hours, minutes, and seconds between the Started and Completed Dates. | |
Score This is the total score captured for the attempt. Learners obtain points when completing scored QuizPopper, Quiz Group, or Activity elements throughout the lesson. |
Individual Learner Attempt Details | |
Select an Attempt Click on the linked text to view additional details of an attempt. | |
Back to Class Average This is a link to return to the Class Average page with the list of all Learners. | |
Learner Attempt Actions menu This is where you can Change Score, Give Feedback. You can also Clear, Restore, Complete or Re-Open Attempt. View the Actions menu details in the LMS guides at https://softchalk.com/support/user-guides .
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Attempt drop-down menu You can quickly view other attempts from this Learner by selecting an attempt listed in the drop-down menu. | |
Status, Attempts, and Receipt
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Score, Possible Score, and Scoring Method
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Duration, Started, and Ended Date
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Learning Object Type
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Score The score obtained out of the available points for the QuizPopper, Quiz Group, or Activity. | |
Date Date and GMT timestamp when the item was completed. A QuizPopper or Quiz Group is completed when the Learner clicks the Check Answers button (Finish for each Essay QuizPopper). An Activity is completed by finishing the activity or by clicking on the Complete Activity icon available for each interactive. | |
Allow Retry Identify if the item allows more than one try in a student attempt. This is a setting option available when creating the item in SoftChalk. For example, below is a Multiple-Choice QuizPopper with Allow retry enabled. So, students can try answering the question multiple times before completing their attempt (by clicking the Finish button on the last page of the lesson). | |
Expand Item Click on a QuizPopper or Quiz Group listed to view additional details
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