Title: ScoreCenter FAQs  
Owner: Carol SoftChalk
Creator: Carol SoftChalk Jan 25, 2023
Last Changed by: Carol SoftChalk Apr 19, 2023
Tiny Link: (useful for email) https://softchalk.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CIC_jg
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Children (11)
    Page: What is the ScoreCenter feature in SoftChalk? Do you recommend that I use this feature rather than SCORM to collect scores from my students in the LMS Grade Center?
    Page: ScoreCenter details at a Glance
    Page: ScoreCenter dates and times do not match my time zone. Can I change the ScoreCenter timestamp?
    Page: I am an instructor. Sometimes student grades don't appear in the ScoreCenter. This issue seems to be sporadic. What should I do?
    Page: When I click on a lesson link that should connect to the SoftChalk ScoreCenter, my lesson is not connecting? What should I do?
    Page: How can I test my LTI linked SoftChalk Cloud content as a student to confirm the grade will pass to the LMS grade book?
    Page: I track student scores in ScoreCenter. What happens to the gradebook data if the lesson is deleted or my SoftChalk Cloud account expires?
    Page: I am the course instructor. I see "Started" and “Completed” times. The status indicates “Completed”. However, the questions indicate "Not Attempted". Does “Completed” mean the student clicked “Finished” even though they did not attempt any questions?
    Page: My scores post to the LMS gradebook. Can I export ScoreCenter details as a .csv or Excel spreadsheet?
    Page: I am an Instructor. I need to update the point value of my SoftChalk lesson. Some students have already accessed the lesson. What are my options?
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