Moodle Admin - LTI 1.3 Tool Provider Set Up

Moodle Admin - LTI 1.3 Tool Provider Set Up

Registering LTI 1.3 Tool

Registering an LTI 1.3 Tool Provider in Moodle is a two-step process. Follow the steps below and send the required information to help@softchalk.com with the subject line Moodle LTI 1.3 Registration.

Once we receive the required system details from you, we will register the Moodle system and provide you with the remaining information to add to the Tool Provider in Moodle.

  1. Navigate to Site Administration > Plugins > Activity Modules > External Tool > Manage Tools.

  2. Under Manage Tools select Configure a tool manually.
    a.    Fill in the following data in the form:
                                                          i.   Tool Settings
                                                         ii.   Tool name: SoftChalk Cloud 1.3
                                                        iii.   Tool URL: https://softchalkcloud.com
                                                        iv.   Tool Description: Leave blank
                                                         v.   LTI version: LTI 1.3
                                                        vi.   Public key: This will be provided in a response from SoftChalk after
    the registration is complete
                                                      vii.    Initiate login URL: https://www.softchalkcloud.com/lti/auth
                                                     viii.    Redirection URI(s): https://www.softchalkcloud.com/scorecenter/lti;
                                                        ix.   Custom parameters: Leave blank
                                                         x.   Tool configuration usage: Show as a preconfigured tool when adding
    an external tool
                                                        xi.    Default launch container: Embed, without blocks
                                                      xii.    Content-Item Message: Select the checkbox
                                                     xiii.    Content Selection URL: https://www.softchalkcloud.com/lti/content
                                                     xiv.    Icon URL: Leave blank
                                                      xv.    Secure Icon URL: Leave blank

See below screen capture.

b.    Services

                                                      i.    IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services: Use this service for grade sync
and column management
                                                     ii.    IMS LTI Names and Role Provisioning: Use this setting to retrieve
members' information as per privacy settings
                                                    iii.    Tool Settings: Do not use this service

c.    Privacy

                                                      i.    Share launcher's name with tool: Always  
                                                     ii.    Share launcher's email with tool: Never
                                                    iii.    Accept grades from the tool: Always
                                                    iv.    Force SSL: Leave un-selected

d.    Miscellaneous

                                                      i.    Organization ID: Leave blank
                                                     ii.    Organization URL: Leave blank

3. Click Save Changes.

4. On the Manage Tools page click the configuration icon for the SoftChalk Cloud 1.3 tool you just created.

5. Gather the LTI 1.3 configuration details for the tool and send them to help@softchalk.com with the subject line Moodle LTI 1.3 Registration.

Finalizing the LTI 1.3 Tool Provider in Moodle

Once SoftChalk has received the new tool’s configuration details, we will perform the registration with SoftChalk ScoreCenter and reply back with the remaining details that need to be added to the existing tool in Moodle.

  1. Navigate to Site Administration > Plugins > Activity Modules > External Tool > Manage Tools.

  2. Select Edit to make changes to the SoftChalk Cloud 1.3 tool.

  3. Using the Public Key provided by SoftChalk, fill in the Public Key field for the tool in Moodle. (Be sure that you include the entire key block as sent, from -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- through to -----END PUBLIC KEY----- and ensure that there are no spaces left at the start or end of the key).

  4. Click Save Changes.

 This completes the setup and install of the SoftChalk Link Selector app.

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