You will be using the SoftChalk ScoreCenter to track attempts within a Learning Management System (LMS) such as Blackboard, Canvas, Brightspace by D2L, Moodle, Schoology, etc..

  1. Log into your LMS instructor account.

  2. Navigate-to and click-on the SoftChalk quiz group assignment.

  3. In the lesson’s ScoreCenter, at the right of the learner name click on the icon displayed under the under QuizGroup column.

4. You can quickly scroll through the Quiz Group questions and the student answer selections.

Watch video

Quiz Group-Short Answer-Essay-Feedback – Blackboard Learn — Mozilla Firefox 2023-03-07 14-29-16 - Trim.mp4

5. You can also click on the student name to expand their list of attempts.

Click on an attempt to view the full attempt details.

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