With SoftChalk Cloud, you can share an individual lesson or an entire folder with another SoftChalk Cloud user.
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title | To share an individual lesson |
1 | Log into your SoftChalk Cloud account. | | 2 | Navigate to the lesson under the My Content > Lessons tab. | 3 | At the far right of the Lesson Name, click the share icon (person shape). | 4 | There are two ways to add users to share your content. | 4 a. | Select a Group from the drop-down menu. You can also click on the existing groups link in the menu to navigate to the Account/Groups area of your SoftChalk Cloud account. Here, you can create or manage your Groups. For details, see the Create Groups section below. | | 4 b. | Search for and select an individual SoftChalk Cloud user(s) to share your content with. Search for users by name or username. | | 5 | After adding groups or selecting specific SoftChalk Cloud users, their usernames will appear under the “Sharing with:” section. | | 6 | Click Save to save your changes. |
The page will automatically refresh to display the lesson name. Notice the ‘Shared by me’ text now appears next to the lesson name. |
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1 | Log into your SoftChalk Cloud account. | | 2 | Navigate to the folder name under the My Content > Lessons area. | 3 | At the far right of the folder Name, click the share icon (person shape). | 4 | There are two ways to add users to share your content. | 4 a. | Select a Group from the drop-down menu. You can also click on the existing groups link in the menu to navigate to the Account/Groups area of your SoftChalk Cloud account and create or manage your Groups. For details, see the Create Groups section below. | | 4 b. | Search and select individual SoftChalk Cloud users to share your content with. Search for users by name or username. | | 5 | After adding groups or selecting specific SoftChalk Cloud users, their usernames will appear under the “Sharing with:” section. | | 6 | Click Save to save your changes. |
Put additional SoftChalk content in this folder by saving content from SoftChalk into this folder
Within SoftChalk open any content in this folder, make changes and replace the existing content
Delete folder content. The deleted content can be located under the My Content>Deleted Items area of your SoftChalk Cloud account and can be restored within 180 days after deletion.
Go to a previous version of the content (if necessary)